Introduction to the Disease Reporting Portal

During the pandemic response, The Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) observed significant improvements in the timeliness and quality of COVID-19 lab reports submitted through the COVID-19 Reporting Portal compared to traditional faxed reporting methods. These improvements in data quality were crucial in enhancing public health response and decision-making processes.

In light of these previous successes, ADH has decided to expand and enhance the existing COVID-19 Reporting Portal, developing a new and comprehensive platform called the  Disease Reporting Portal (DRP). The DRP will allow reporting entities to submit any mandatory reportable diseases electronically, streamlining the reporting process and further improving data accuracy and efficiency.

The transition to the DRP  will be implemented in three distinct phases to facilitate a smooth and efficient rollout.

Phase 1 - reporting entities will begin submitting COVID-19 lab reports using the new DRP application, building on the familiarity and success of the existing system.
Phase 2 - will introduce the capability to report additional diseases, such as influenza and viral hepatitis, along with an option for bulk file submissions that include multiple disease conditions. This phase aims to broaden the scope of the portal and enhance its utility for various public health reporting needs.
Phase 3 - will focus on providing advanced user analytics, such as interactive dashboards, the ability to edit lab reports submitted to ADH, and support for all remaining reportable diseases not included in the earlier phases.
These phased enhancements are designed to maximize the portal’s functionality and user experience progressively.

ADH is enthusiastic about the launch of the Disease Reporting Portal  and the opportunities it presents for improved public health surveillance and collaboration with healthcare partners. The  DRP  will not only streamline the reporting process but also provide meaningful feedback to our partners, helping them to improve their own data submission processes and overall data quality.

Through this new application, ADH aims to set a new standard in disease reporting, ensuring timely and accurate data collection that supports effective public health interventions in an effort to improve the public’s health.

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